I have been riding horses for over 10 years now and have always used a western saddle. I have had several different brands, but the one I use most is this model. It's very comfortable, easy to use and well-made. The only problem I had was the shape of the horn which took 5 minutes with a hammer to fix! Horseback riding is a great way to get out of the house and enjoy nature. We offer a variety of horse saddle, bridle and harness, that ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience. We offer fast shipping and great customer service. Shop for quality of leather and fast shipping USA.

This is a very comfortable saddle.

This is a very comfortable saddle. It is well made and easy to use, with the price being great. The only problem I had with this saddle was that the horn shape was not what I expected, but after 5 minutes with a hammer it fit perfectly!

It is very comfortable, and my horse seems to like it as well. I would recommend this saddle to anyone who wants a good quality saddle at a great price!

The only problem I had with this saddle was that the horn shape was not what I expected, but after 5 minutes with a hammer it fit perfectly! It is very comfortable, and my horse seems to like it as well.

Easy to use, great price.

The Western Saddle is an easy to use and comfortable saddle. It's a good starter saddle for beginners, because it has all the features they need to get started with their horse training.

The Western Saddle is made of black leather with matching stirrups and reins, which makes it look like a western saddle should look (not like a dressage or hunter’s saddle). The seat cushion is plenty thick enough for comfort, but not too thick that it won't fit under most riders' saddles. This saddle also comes with its own cinching system so you don't have to worry about fixing up your old cinches before putting this one on!

The Western Saddle is made of black leather with matching stirrups and reins, which makes it look like a western saddle should look (not like a dressage or hunter’s saddle). The seat cushion is plenty thick enough for comfort, but not too thick that it won't fit under most riders' saddles. This saddle also comes with its own cinching system so you don't have to worry about fixing up your old cinches before putting this one on!

I'm very happy with it.

The saddle is comfortable and well-made, and it's easy to use. The price is also great! This is the only saddle I will ever need in my life, so if you're thinking about buying one of these saddles or if you already own one and want another one but don't know where to start looking for one then look no further than here at Western Saddle Company website because they have over 30 years experience in making quality western saddles that are affordable yet durable enough for everyday riding needs.

The quality of this saddle is outstanding, especially considering how low the price is. It's sturdy, well-made and has a beautiful finish. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a new saddle.

The saddle has a lot of padding and it's very comfortable to ride in. The leather is high quality and soft, yet durable enough to stand up against everyday riding. The stirrups are also nice and secure, which makes them easy to use. Overall, this is a great saddle that should last for many years with proper care.

The only problem I had was the shape of the horn but 5 minutes with a hammer fixed that.

When I first got the saddle, it was too high. I had to move the horn down and adjust the cantle so that my horse could sit comfortably with his withers touching it.

The next problem was that he had an odd shaped back because he had been used as a light wagon horse for years before being retired and turned into a riding animal again. The result was that his back was not straight enough for this saddle to fit properly, so I had to fix that too!

Once I did those two things though (and made sure they were both done correctly), everything worked out fine!

The saddle is comfortable for both me and my horse. He doesn’t seem to mind it at all, and I don’t have any problems riding him with it on either. It was worth the money because I feel like it will last a long time!

I now have two.

I now have two of these saddles and they work very well. The first one I bought was for my mare, who is now 11 years old. She has been ridden in this saddle for about five years, mostly on trails but also in the arena with me on occasion. In those five years she has had no problems with it whatsoever - no soreness or discomfort at all! This is a great saddle for the price, well made and comfortable enough to ride in all day long if you have time (which we don't). You can't go wrong with this saddle!

So when my best friend got a new horse and needed a saddle, I knew just where to go: Dover Saddlery! I bought her the same model as mine because it has worked so well for me and for my mare. We have both been riding in our saddles for about two years now and they are still working just as well as the day we bought them.

They are very comfortable and supportive, and the price is great for what you get! I would definitely recommend this saddle to anyone looking for a good quality product at an affordable price.

This is a comfortable saddle and well-made.

If you're looking for a Western saddle that's comfortable, well-made, and at an affordable price, then this one is right for you. The leather is soft and supple, but not too soft that it'll crease or get damaged easily. The seat pad is made from a thick layer of foam that fits nicely on your backside without feeling too hard or uncomfortable during long rides. And because this particular model has been designed especially for horses with wide backs (which means they have more room between their shoulders), riders won't have any issues finding the correct spot when mounting up their horse—no matter how tall or short they may be!

The stirrups are made from sturdy stainless steel that won't rust or corrode, so you can expect them to last for years of use. The buckles are also made from stainless steel and feature a convenient quick-release mechanism for fast removal.

The seat is made from a synthetic material that's designed not to absorb water or become slippery when wet. This means it'll stay in place even if the horse washes down after a long day of riding. The saddles also comes with an adjustable stirrup leather strap so you can customize how high or low your stirrups hang.


I would definitely recommend this saddle to anyone who is looking for a nice, quality saddle at a low price.